Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lets make love not war

Sports has been known over the last couple of years to build up a wall higher that in China between the lovey doviest of couples.
However contrary to general belief women if you force yourself to watch a couple of premiership games you wont die of a heart attack and men who go mushy on soap operas with their boo's don't grow flowers as third legs.
Do something different this month have friends come over flying their club jerseys (Eyimba, sunshine stars, warri wolves.......) and play games like
"how well does your girl know you team"
"Don't run out of names of clubs world wide"
" Couples penality kicks"

You'll all have fun.
Check out WillBeck for all it takes to rock the sports party.

Break the rules

 Since there are no rules to fashion how come fashion popo's have so many people glued?
Not too long ago it was an unforgivable sin to wear pattern on pattern and a taboo to wear a brown belt with black shoes(are you for real?) but just check out the trend today; from the over flogged color blocking to the complex boxes, stripes, poker dots, and the conspicuous shapes on fabrics which are worn by the fashion authorities and now crowned 'the in thing'.
What is considered a no no today might take the world by a storm 2013, do you literately have the balls to be the first to break the rules?
If you do, kindly send me your picture lets see how crazy cool your fashion combo is(PG 18pls) :-)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Friend or foe

Complex as it may seem they are easily mistaken,
a closer look and you might realize they are not too different in actions.
For those you call friends are often vile foes while those you labelled foe might just be friends after all.
"friend" a mere word that carries much more weight than we all know.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Too stressed for deep lyrics

Can we really blame the(seemingly intellectual)people for grooving to obviously retarded lyrics.
We live in times when an average young man is out by 6am max to get home around 10:30/ 11pm; if this is the life they live why would they need to dance to deep lyrics on their blue moon relaxation moments.

breast and mirrors

For a long time i often wondered why men stare, rather gawk at womens breast even when it's totally covered until i realized how hard it is for a lady to pass by a mirror without stealing a glance.
So here is the submission  "breast are to men as mirrors are to women". 